Robots-For-All Raspberry Pi Development Image

Raspberry Pi systems are inexpensive development computers. However as with all computers, they do need:

Linux Installation Instructions

On Linux, please use the following steps to download and install the Robots-For-All development image onto a 32 GB or larger microSD card or USB flash drive. The image will run on a Raspberry Pi 4 or 5 with 4 or 8 GB of RAM.

  1. Download development image:
    cd  ~/Downloads
  2. Use tar to expand the development image into an image file (.img):
    tar  -zxf  pi-robot-dev-64-bits.img
  3. Use the Raspberry Pi Imager to copy the image to the microSD card or USB flash drive. The Raspberry Pi Imager can be downloaded from
    1. Select the Raspberry Pi system that you have: 4 or 5
    2. Choose “Use Custom” alway at the end of the OS list
    3. Select pi-robot-dev-64-bits.img from the Download directory
    4. Click on the “Open” button
    5. Select your storage device, USB flash drive or microSD card. MacOS: You will need a USB adapter for the microSD card
    6. Click on the “Next” button
    7. For “Use OS Customisations”, click on the “NO” button